Great News!

Journal Entry #15

Josh and I met with our oncologist today to get the results of my PET/CT scan, left breast ultrasound, and blood tests results... all of it came back clear/negative/great! :)

We're thrilled with the news and relieved to have 1 of many milestones behind us. We'll be deciding over the next few weeks if I'll go for treatment in the Spring to Germany again or somewhere else. I'm continuing to do many, many lifestyle and alternative therapies. The average rate for re-occurrence with this type of aggressive cancer is within 2 years; so we'll continue to walk through the open doors before us on this path. Being at 6-7 months and cancer-free (a quarter of the way there!) is wonderful... and we're so thankful that many of you continue to pray for us and support us.

Colleen Flowers Alternative Breast Cancer Treatment