7 Alternative Skin Cancer Treatments

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Sometimes people want to try alternative cancer treatments immediately after they are given the diagnosis of cancer. For others, they want to combine both alternative treatments with conventional ones like surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. And for some people, they start researching alternative cancer treatments after conventional ones have been exhausted.

If you're looking for holistic cancer treatment, you have choices that aren't just “pie in the sky” options. They really can work.

Treating Skin Cancer Naturally

Skin cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in the United States. The most common types of skin cancer are:

  • Basal cell carcinoma
  • Squamous cell carcinoma
  • Melanoma

While traditional Western medicine tells us that skin cancer is caused by the sun, some experts like Dr. Tullio Simoncini — a Roman doctor specializing in oncology, diabetology, and metabolic disorders — believe that cancer can be caused by infections from bacteria, fungus, and viruses. Dr. Simoncini theorizes that antifungal treatments like sodium bicarbonate, iodine, and others are therefore helpful and effective ways to treat certain skin cancers.

Sodium Bicarbonate

This can be applied topically as a paste to cancerous lesions several times per day. It can also be taken orally to increase the body's pH balance to an 8. It should be continued for 7–10 days (as 1 round of treatment) with the supervision of a health care provider.


Iodine treatment can be applied topically. Dr. Simoncini recommends applying a 7% iodine tincture to the affected area several times per day (as many as 10–20), alternating with sodium bicarbonate. Again, use these treatments after making a plan with your doctor.

Other promising alternative treatments that may help treat skin cancer include:

CBD Products

Derived from the cannabis plant (aka, marijuana), CBD oils, creams, and lotions contain cannabidiols, which were shown in 1 study to reduce skin cancer by 90% in 20 weeks.

Infrared Light

Just as a fever is part of a healthy immune response, scientists believe that increasing your body temperature can also have a positive impact on your immune system. Infrared light provides this boost by using thermogenic (heat) energy to promote circulation, which helps remove waste from the body, deliver oxygen-rich blood to the cells, and accelerate the healing process.

Liquid Selenium

Selenium is a mineral in the body that works as an antioxidant. Antioxidants like selenium are known for protecting the body against free radical damage, but they may also play an important role in treating cancer. According to Dr. Mark Sircus, an acupuncturist and doctor of Oriental and pastoral medicine, selenium is the most potent broad-spectrum anti-carcinogenic agent that is also very inexpensive and safe. Dr. Sircus believes that selenium stops damaged DNA molecules from reproducing, and therefore prevents tumors from developing.

High-Dose Vitamin C

Vitamin C can be taken orally. However, it can be given in much higher concentrations when delivered intravenously (through the veins via IV infusion). In fact, even traditional medicine has accepted the beneficial cancer-fighting properties of high-dose vitamin C. It's often combined with chemotherapy to aid in the process of cancer cell death.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)

Also called pulsed magnetic therapy, this treatment is often used in orthopedic medicine to send magnetic pulses through injured tissue to initiate cellular repair. This regenerative effect is also believed to be what helps the body fight cancer. There are few studies of PEMF therapy on humans, but a review of 2 clinical studies found “PEMF therapy is safe and promising compared to other available cancer therapies.”

Keeping Doing Your Own Research

As with most cancer treatments, there’s no magic solution. And in the case of skin cancer, your treatment path may include a variety of methods to help your body defend itself and heal. Hopefully the alternative options provided here give you a starting point from which you can begin your research, which might also include the recently developed virotherapy medication Rigvir.

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