Surgery Blessingway Prayer Circle
/Journal Entry #2
I've been busy! I finished up the 6-day juice cleanse with 3 daily enemas... water, then coffee, then probiotic... Josh was an excellent "enema barista!" I've also been doing infrared saunas most days and eating organic, vegan meals while continuing to have about 6 cups of fresh veggie juice every day :)
My friend Jenah reminded me about the "circles"... have you read this? I've purposely let this news out slowly because I don't want people to barge into my life telling me negative stories or contradictory advice and the like... I really like these 2 articles about the circles or rings of people surrounding me: and
On June 3, 2015 a group of 5 people prayed over Josh and me... we've felt incredible peace since that evening, it comes and goes, but I've definitely felt it. On June 8 & 12, 2015 a lovely woman in registration (we'll call her K) prayed over me and Josh and my friend Tanya for healing in Jesus' name and anointed us with myrrh oil... that was a wonderfully Divine Appointment. On June 10, 2015 at 8:25am I was overcome with how surreal I could feel love around me. Thank you!
On June 12, 2015 we met with 2 oncologists, both who recommend chemo before surgery. (That was also the afternoon that there was 2-3" of water in our basement... our neighbor, Tom, bought us a pump and took care of that while we were at our appointments. Thank you God for great neighbors!) The Tumor Board that met on June 16, 2015 also recommended chemo before surgery. I was told that there is no difference in mortality (length of life) if you do chemo before or after. I've also been researching alternatives like a doctor who works with the Purdue Cancer Center and another oncologist who is also a homeopathic doctor. The PET/CT scan on June 17, 2015 showed only the tumor as active (and a lymph node a teeny-tiny, itsy-bitsy active that hopefully is so because of the biopsy on May 28, 2015). They also said Her2 was negative, but we'll wait for the final pathology after surgery to know for sure.
The plan is that I'll have surgery this Wednesday, June 24, 2015 (maybe Thursday) for a single right mastectomy, no reconstruction, sentinel lymph node biopsy, and a port placed (to keep my options open for chemo or alternative therapies)... Lord-willing. This week I'll plan to do Ozone Therapy with a Vitamin C (Myers Cocktail) IV to boost up my immune system and help with healing. I'll also see the "man in the mountains" again. Specific prayers requests are:
- That God's loving will will unfold and He will continue to reveal that to Josh and me through His peace.
- That the surgery goes quickly, smoothly, and perfectly.
- That there is no cancer! Or at least no cancer in the lymph nodes :)
- That my recovery goes quickly, smoothly, and perfectly.
- That my mom (Ginger) has traveling mercies coming here this week to help us.
On Monday, June 22, 2015 there will be a Surgery Blessingway Prayer Circle for me at my church: Highlands Church, 2644 W 32nd Ave, Denver, CO 80211 (inside the Holiday Theater Everyone is welcome... "doubt or believe here, we all can receive here."
Thank you for taking this pic, nick!
A few shout-outs...
My sister, Kerry, has done a fabulous job of being a virtual personal assistant (she's CC'd on almost every email), ordering me things, and researching (especially Googling for me so I don't read negative information).
My friends Tanya and Kay are helping me find comfy clothes for this journey.
My friend Jenah and her church have prayed over us and peace settled on Josh and I on June 3, 2015 (and claiming that the cancer stopped replicating/growing/spreading as of that night). They also prayed for us again today.
My friend Julianne is a nurse and has come to the appointments with the biopsy and surgeons... bringing a good dose of humor with her too ;)
My friends Tammy and Justina have gone food shopping for us.
My friends Marc and Monica who have done everything from making veggie broth to fixing broken shower doors and everything in between.
My friend Jane who has connected me with so many women who have walked this path, given us gifts, showered us with love, listened to us, and gave me an acupuncture treatment after the 2 oncologist appointments.
My friends Val and Kylene who set up the CaringBridge page (not a fundraising page).
My many family and friends who have sent me encouraging texts, emails, and phone messages... I get them all but may not be able to respond to them all. Thank you for your prayers.
My holistic and naturopath colleagues have guided me to resources, oncologists, and people with similar experiences.
And of course my parents have been loving and praying and supporting us all along the way... and sending us organic, vegan meals from
xo - Colleen