Why I Don't "Fight" Cancer - Part 1

Why I Don't "Fight" Cancer - Part 1

I don't know about you, but I don't identify with much of the militaristic language surrounding cancer, most especially The *War* on Cancer.  That being said, I totally get that we're all so different. If being a fighter and kicking cancer's ass works for you, great! Keep it up! Disregard this post.

If, on the other hand, you haven't really found yourself embracing the imagery of a life on a battlefield, I just want to say, "You're not alone. Me neither." I like using the term "cancer thriver" and the image of being on a "journey" instead...

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If I Gave a TED Talk... take 1

If I Gave a TED Talk... take 1

We all fear it. The C word. And then on June 1, 2015 when I was 35 years old the C word happened to me: aggressive breast cancer. Then it began... the chaotic, confusing, panic-filled storm of decision-making. How do we make these decisions? What’s the best way to discover the path we're meant to take? I want to share the ideas that have worked for me and what I’ve learned along the way. I feel that our society and most doctors do not give us the tools to confidently make quick, life-altering decisions when we are drowning in fear.

I courageously looked fear in the face...

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Liz's Thoughts

Liz Cancer576

A few weeks ago Liz commented on my blog. She was at Hufeland Klinik this past Spring... awesome! As I perused her blog posts, I really like what she had to say about a lot of things including the term "surveillance." My oncologist is doing this with me as well... she says that what they call it when they follow a patient given a diagnosis of cancer that is not using chemotherapy or radiation. (And some oncologists refuse to do this and tell you to find another doctor!)

"The continued use of militaristic language within cancer circles is just plain disturbing.  I’ve cooperated through their surgery protocol, a true cadet.  Now, when I refuse to continue the fight with chemical guerrilla warfare, I’m a defector, double-crosser, rebel, renegade.  I’m put under surveillance.  The word conjures up the darkest of images of cancer warfare.  Where’s the compassionate language one would expect from a health care system sworn to do no harm? Maybe that’s the rub, 'sworn to do no harm' yet, the establishment is largely responsible for losing the winnable war against cancer."

You can read more about her journey after a diagnosis of Stage 3C1 Uterine Cancer on her blog: https://cancer576.wordpress.com/


We're back!

I feel a bit like a broken record, but thank you for all of the prayers and many ways of support you all continue to give to Josh and me. (And no, it’s not “Josh and I,” in case you were wondering… I graduated with an English degree… which does come in handy, Dad! See?!) 

Here are answers to the Top Ten Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) we’ve gotten since we returned:

1. Are you happy to be home?

Yes… and no. Of course we love seeing our family and friends, but reverse culture shock and other things have made it difficult...

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Home & Continuing to Heal

Home & Continuing to Heal

Throughout her whole time in the hospital post-surgery, the nurses and other providers who stopped by to check on Colleen kept expressing how impressed they were with her as she was recovering and how well she was able to manage the tasks they encouraged her to do: lung exercises, walking the hall, eating, drinking fluids, etc. She was assertive in getting to it and...

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Surgery Blessingway Prayer Circle

Surgery Blessingway Prayer Circle

My friend Jenah reminded me about the "circles"... have you read this? I've purposely let this news out slowly because I don't want people to barge into my life telling me negative stories or contradictory advice and the like... I really like these 2 articles about the circles or rings of people surrounding me: http://articles.latimes.com/2013/apr/07/opinion/la-oe-0407-silk-ring-theory-20130407 and http://jenhatmaker.com/blog/2015/06/02/our-family-cancer-manifesto

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Hello beautiful friends...

I have some news to share... in January 2015 I felt a new lump in my right breast... no biggee because I have lumps all the time... it was still there in April 2015 so I saw my doctor... on May 1, 2015 I had an ultrasound and they wanted to biopsy the lump and a lymph node... on May 28, 2015 I had the biopsy... on June 1, 2015 I was told that it was cancer and the lymph node was clear. So crazy. So weird. So doesn't-make-any-sense... I know...

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